Land Shark
Landshark swims through the ground, that’s his main thing. Maybe he burrows huge holes through the sand and the water rushes in? Maybe that’s how the ship passes through but then again why can’t other ships come later? Probably they don’t know where the tunnels are. He’s big in that case, at least as big as the boat but probably a little bigger. Crewmate is the word that is used to describe Landshark but putting a bandana on a sea monster does not give it opposable thumbs or make it a contributing member to the morning rigging. It is unclear if they can put a bandana on Landshark. Mainly, the Landshark was very small and dug shallow dens in the dunes because no one taught it how to exist. A person found him who eventually would call herself an Astronomer but not then because she hadn’t gone to school or bought a telescope. She sat down on the beach by the burrow and watched a tiny tail swish back and forth. She didn’t grab it even though a part of her not quite adult brain told her too. Eventually Landshark managed to dig his hole into a U and he popped out on the other side and there was a person there which is another thing no one had taught him about. He bit her. It wasn’t very hard though, and apart from a small scar on her ankle the person didn’t mind so much and decided that she would take Landshark to the ocean. This was a bad idea. Landshark Loathes the oceans and if one absolutely must take Landshark out to sea they had better have found a very big bandana and know exactly how to put it on because the Landshark does not like to look at the water. Landshark is not alone in this, but it isn’t out of fear it is just that the sea moves and the land doesn’t. The Landshark is a proponent of stability. After the person’s bad idea she decided that she should stay on the island for a while and see if Landshark dug up any treasure. He didn’t, even though he knew where it was, but he did dig up a green acorn. No one was quite sure what to do with it. As it turns out the person who would eventually be called an Astronomer was very patient, patient enough that Landshark was very big by the time the patience ran out. She couldn’t take Landshark with her on a boat meant for one person and no Landsharks. Landshark probably could’ve eaten the boat but he didn’t because he wasn’t hungry*. The person left and became an Astronomer and Landshark stayed and became a Landshark which is what he already was. He was ok with that.